Amarok provides a quick hide API. You can trigger Amarok by sending Intent Broadcasts.

Intent API Since v0.8.7a2

  • Package: (package name of Amarok)
  • Class: deltazero.amarok.receivers.ActionReceiver
  • Action:
    • deltazero.amarok.HIDE (hide)
    • deltazero.amarok.UNHIDE (unhide)

The package name of Amarok either deltazero.amarok (standard version) or deltazefiro.amarok.foss (F-Droid version).


The Amarok API cannot be triggered by an Implicit Intent. Please use an Explicit Intent broadcast, which means you must specify Amarok as the receiver of this broadcast. For more details, see Android Developer Documentationopen in new window.

You can use ADB or automation tools like MacroDroid to broadcast intents to trigger hidings. Here are some examples.

Shell (ADB)

# Hide
adb shell am broadcast -a deltazero.amarok.HIDE -n ${APP_ID}/deltazero.amarok.receivers.ActionReceiver
# Unhide
adb shell am broadcast -a deltazero.amarok.UNHIDE -n ${APP_ID}/deltazero.amarok.receivers.ActionReceiver

Where ${APP_ID} is the package name of Amarok.


Please refer to MacrodroidForumopen in new window.


{"target":"Broadcast Receiver","action":"deltazero.amarok.HIDE","package":"<APP_ID>","class":"deltazero.amarok.receivers.ActionReceiver"}

Please replace <APP_ID> with the package name of Amarok.

Refer to joaoapps.comopen in new window for usage.


You can use the following Java code in your application to trigger stealth.

Intent intent = new Intent("deltazero.amarok.HIDE");
intent.setClassName(amarokApplicationID, "deltazero.amarok.receivers.ActionReceiver");

Where amarokApplicationID is the package name of Amarok.